Saturday, May 24, 2008

The Virtual Ribbon Cutting

TA-DA! Here it is. My personal blog...and the virginal first post, no less.

One would think that a person who has been programming websites and applications for almost 10 years now would have made this leap into the blogosphere long ago. Well, I guess it's sort of like the telemarketer who goes home after a long day of telemarketing and abhors the idea of getting on the phone to chat with anyone. Or the short-order cook who chooses to suck down a half pint of Ben and Jerry's rather than cook one more flippin' meal. Or the gyno/OBGYN who...uh...nevermind.

Anyway, the point is, I guess by day's end I also get into that mindset of, "If I have to work on one more flipping website..." Yet here I am. Why now? I'm going to blame it on my BFF, Laskigal. "You HAVE to start blogging," says she. Her enthusiasm bubbles over as she speaks of contests, feedback, community...not to mention the sheer cathartic nature that posting our brainwaves entails. Honestly, I didn't even know she HAD a blog until she told me a few weeks ago. And although my days are packed from beginning (8:00 a.m.) to end (2:00 a.m.), I find myself regularly checking her blog. Aside from her quick wit and engaging writing style, I discovered that it's a great way for me to keep abreast (tee hee..."abreast" :P) of what's going on with my BFF, who is six hours away from me.

So here it stands. My electronic therapy.

Oh, about the name. I chose "Life Out Loud" because, really, life IS loud, is it not? Yes, I am a mommy. I am a wife. I am a programmer, a baker, a seamstress wannabe...a Jedi robe maker, obsessive researcher, online entrepreneur, a big thinker, a dreamer. But I am so much more than all of that. We are ALL so much more than we realize. From one day to the next, we never really know what changes will come our way. We can live it timidly, or we can embrace the challenges that come our way and relish the opportunity to find the silver lining in everything. That is the challenge that I put forth. Live out loud. Look for opportunites. Grab a hold of life. Seek the silver linings. And through it all, keep a sense of humor and humility.

Happy blogging.


Laski said...

Ah. My soul mate. Now if only I could dump my hubby and we could marry . . .

Marmarbug said...

Welcome to blogger. You'll get addicted. I swear it!

Karen MEG said...

Welcome to the blog world! Have fun with it...
and LOVE your name, Jedimama. We've got about a dozen light sabers in this household.